Many years ago, in a secret lab at the edge of the world, a secret experiment took place. Scientists around the world came together to develop the worlds ultimate hands-free yoghurt snack…Frubes!
Shortly after their creation, something went wrong, terribly wrong, a fatal error created 6 Frube variants. Crazy and wild yoghurts. There was no way of stopping them! They broke free from the lab and went their sperate ways…until recently, the Frubes managed to find their way back to each other, but something was different about them…


Life Story
Made with a more superior intelligence than all the rest. When the others legged it, Teck stayed behind and kept a close watch on its creators, secretly learning the ways of science and technology!
Loves annoying brainy people. Last spotted in school science labs, junkyard... anywhere technology is built! Trying to cause the most trouble!.


Life Story
Weird and totally unpredictable. Thinks completely out of the box - but about literally everything. Oddball is an expert in everything, and absolutely nothing at the same time, depending on when it is you ask whereabouts since the escape is still unknown.
Loves annoying anyone who'll squeeze the life out of it in the most unusual way imaginable. Unlike the others, this one could be lurking literally anywhere - you just never know.


Life Story
Champ: Does not seems to tire. Loves anything that keeps it moving - especially sports. After escaping, Champ followed all sorts of different sports team around the world by hiding in gym bags or stowing away on coaches.
Can't ever sit still! Therefore, needs someone with equal energy to squeeze the life out of it. Last seen pestering those watching or playing sports on local pitches, in locker rooms and gyms.


Life Story
The prankster of the group. The mischief-maker. Does anything for a laugh and causes more problems than it solves, Essential for the team's morale. After escaping it travelled the world looking for more and more elaborate ways of pulling off what it considers the ultimate practical joke.
Loves getting a giggle out of its fellow Frubes no matter what. Lives for annoying up-tight grownups. Can be found lurking under sofa cushions, swapping food around in your fridge and inside the cupboards and drawers looking for anything to use in its next big practical joke.


Life Story
Created to track, imitate and infuriate humans found wandering in the animal kingdom. After the breakout, Animal began hiding on board ships and planes in order to explore the furthest parts of the world in which to be squeezed.
A chameleon - like personality allows Animal to blend into any animal pack. Reportedly last seen pestering guests of local zoos and found generally causing mischief in the wilderness.


Life Story
Fame, fortune and danger, after the escape, Nutz travelled around the country performing squeezing stunts at skate parks, Go-kart tracks and even a traveling circus!
The bravest (and craziest) of all the Frubes. Wants to go out in a blaze of glory. Loves annoying people who are in the middle of performing stunts or tricks. Last seen on the movie-set, at your local skate park and circus!